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RO RO The motorways of the sea

RO RO The motorways of the sea

The motorways of the sea are valuable element of our traffic. 33% of the Italian trade transport goes by sea and 52% by land. In 2020 they have recorded 105 million of tons detecting a -7% compared to 2019.

In the Italian ports, 35% of the rolling traffic comes from or is intended for foreign countries. A study carried out by SRM has highlighted that for each tone handled in ports by the motorways of the sea, 44kg of CO2 are eliminated.

The liquid bulk for Italy represents the most strategic category since it is the more meaningful in terms of volumes.

With more relevance to import operations, in 2020 157 millions of tones were handled, in particular related to the refining demand of oil products and energy. Motorways of the seal are a strategic solution to contribute to environmental rehabilitation.

Trieste, Augusta, Cagliari, Milazzo and Genoa represent 69% of the entire national liquid traffic. Trieste, with 37,6 million tons, confirms its first position as the Italian port with the higher handling volumes. Augusta and Cagliari come next.

Concerning containers, Italy remains steady to 10 million TEU for several years now. 2020 marked however a change since, thanks to the performance of Gioia Tauro (+26,6% in 2019), the transhipment trend compensated for the reduction of gateway ports (-8,3%).


Through the declaration at sea procedures, goods can be cleared at sea before being unloaded from sea-going vessels. In this way motorways of the sea become a cheaper way since goods on board are already cleared and ready – allowing agreat save on time. All these procedures are strictly linked to the use of RFID e-seals.

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